Friday, October 21, 2011

The time is now…..

The change is subtle at first.  You notice the leaves begin to fall and darkness comes a bit earlier.  You then begin to notice the air is much cooler and crispier where you might reach for a light sweater. This is the time and the time is NOW.
This is when I am at the gym working the hardest to surpass all previous records I have set and push myself beyond the limits that I know of.  This is the time I need to push the sled the further as the sweat falls from my brow.  I am now more focus then I have ever been because this is a journey of self-discovery.  Do I have what it takes to put in the long hours and give up personal time with family and friends?
Sometimes I sit back and cannot believe how far I have come.  I mean really I have accomplished so much and now my next goal is to go to Lake Placid and shine.  It is really a lot on someone to undertake so much responsibility. However no matter how far I have come, I know that I have accomplished so much and will cherish all these experiences. 
At lake Placid I am leaving it all on the table.  I am going to show up, preform and leave it all on the track. Come what may, but I have definitely put forth my best efforts.   I look forward to the challenge as well as all the continued support. 
May the track be my stage and I just the actress. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep pushing! I wish I was still young enough to have a dream like this!
