Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A dream on the couch to a reality in the gym

It started with a dream on the couch one day during the 2010 Olympic Winter games.  People were not only skiing cross country but were ice skating and playing hockey all during the same time frame.  I looked at them and saw them trying their best to defeat their opponent at a sport that they were truly dedicated to.  I too wanted to be as dedicated to a sport and make it to the world’s arena.  That’s is when I turned to Michelle and stated with confidences that I wanted to go to the Olympics in 2014.  She quickly replied that finding tickets to Russia could be a great goal.  I said no you don’t understand. I want to be IN the Olympics and you need to find me a sport.  I specifically did not want to do badminton nor curling.  It was her task to find something I could fit into. 
A couple of days later in a joking manor she suggested I try out for Bobsled.  She began pointing out that each the girls were about my size and body type and all I had to do is push in jump in.  She kept arguing the point and I just laughed it off.  Later that week I decided to just Google a little about the sport and see my chances.  There I saw the beginning of what can be a reality.  THEY WERE LOOKING FOR GOOD BOBSLED PUSHERS.  All I needed to do was apply with some measurements and how much I could lift.  Now I am not going to say it was all an easy feat because mind you being a stubborn person that I am I applied SEVERAL times.   In fact I emailed the bobsled/skeleton association a total of three before I received a response to try out in my backyard on the UCF campus. 
There I was one of many women vying for a chance to go to the second round. I had to do what is called a combine test where I had to do 30 meter sprints, shot toss, broad jump, squats and power cling.  I tested high so I was invited back to the second round which was also in Orlando.
When I arrived there in my old Adidas shorts and my 2.2 liter water bottle the other girl were sporting Oakley sunglasses, nice shiny iPods and the new age athletic tape. I was definitely a felt out of my league and rethinking the possibilities.   It was perhaps fate that day when I met the bobsled coach and he noticed one thing I had the other girls did not.  I had a pair of well defined calves that has pledged me since childhood.   They were something that children in Serbia would poke fun and call me a tomboy but today in the America they put them on pedestals.  This is perhaps one of the reason I was selected to try out the for the US national team and above all else they said I had potential. 


  1. I love this!! Great way to keep everyone informed! I can't wait to join your journey with you!! Rock them calves girl! LOL! JessDuvall

  2. Ya baby! Look at those calves!!!
