Lately I have been so busy working out that I have not had time to write in my blog. I been so busy trying to improve my speed, increase my strength and learn new techniques. Sometimes you just need to STOP, look around and enjoy the ride. We are so busy just focusing on one goal that we tend to not enjoy the ride. It’s all about the journey not the destination.
When the Sprint crew came to film my story I was able to reflect on what I had accomplished. To me anyone can do this, but when speaking to my peers and seeing how other view me I get astonished. I always tell people that the three things you need to succeed are dedication, determination and motivation and I believe that.
During the Sprint video shoot Christen Rogers made a comment in her interview that made me think…huh…I guess she is right. Kristen said,” When we are little we dream and we dream what we want to be. We want to be a doctor we want to be a lawyer and at some point we get old enough where we deal with reality instead of dreaming. At 36 Anja decided to dream and she has shown everyone that dreams can come true and that you should never stop dreaming.”
I have taken her words to heart and now work even harder to prove to myself that I can do it. Regardless of what happens if I go to the US team or I make it to the Olympics I have accomplished something. I am allowed to shoot for a goal that many cannot even think of shooting for. I was able to come to this country with very little and come back with so many memories and friends. That to me is an accomplishment in itself.
Goals are not something you just say I will start on Monday. A real goal is something you actively pursue and hit highs and lows with. As for me, I do my work out, but I work out just as hard as I worked out the day before and I try to do the best of my ability. I do not just go through the motions because that will not accomplish anything. Leave your laziness at the door and pour your blood sweat and tears in the game.
Along the ride don’t forget to take time to thank your loved ones and spend time with them so you all can just enjoy the ride. Your dreams are what you want to them to be. If you can think, you can build it